The Sony Anycast AWS-G500 Station Live Content Producer combines decades of Sony AV expertise together with industry-leading IT technology. Consequently, the Anycast has been designed as a powerful content creation tool for live event programming. It is comprised of a high-quality video switcher, an audio mixer, a large LCD display, and a streaming encoder and server. Best of all, the Anycast is packed into an attaché case size chassis weighing only about 17 lb. 10 oz (8 kg).
To accommodate today’s growing need to integrate video, audio, and a variety of PC input sources in live events, the Sony Anycast Station system provides a comprehensive set of AV and IT inputs. These include SDI, analogue composite, S-Video, DV Input, and balanced analogue audio as well as computer RGB input. The unique processing of the Anycast Station system allows live switching between these video and computer sources without the use of external line converters and without degrading picture quality.
The Sony Anycast AWS-G500 Station is an integrated, portable and easy to use console. It’s features make it suitable for situations that require professional results and mobility. The Anycast Station’s all-in-one design importantly helps keep set-up time to a minimum. Furthermore, the Sony Anycast AWS-G500 is easily moved from location to location. Measuring just 424 x 114 x 354 mm (W x H x D) and weighing around 8kg, the Anycast Station is compact enough to be carried by hand. Moreover, it has a number of professional features that you would expect to produce live event content production. Specifically RGB and video inputs and outputs.
In addition, the Anycast features two optional interface modules that extend the system’s wide capabilities. These are the BKAW-560 HD Analogue Component I/O Module and the BKAW-590 HD-SDI I/O Module. Thus end users can now migrate from analogue to digital or SDI to HD simply by swapping the modular BKAW interface cards.
Convenient all-in-one solution
- As the Anycast Station has many integrated functions in one unit, it can save valuable time and labour when setting up and packing away.
- The video switcher, audio mixer and monitor are integrated into one system, therefore fewer potential hardware issues.
Highly Portable
- Its compact size means that the Anycast Station can be easily moved from location to location. It is even small enough to be carried by hand.
- The Sony Anycast Station allows a number of cameras, storage solutions and additional hardware to be connected to meet your needs.
- Can also be used for various live events broadcasting, web streaming and storage for post-production editing.
- The Sony Anycast brings professional quality, usability, and high portability at an affordable price to any event.
Further information about the Sony Anycast AWS-G500 Station is on the Sony website