Staying alert and safe (social distancing)
The latest advice on social distancing from the government.
PM statement at the coronavirus press conference: 3 June 2020
Prime Minister Boris Johnson gave a statement at the coronavirus press conference on 3 June 2020.
COVID-19 Chancellor update
Chancellor extends Self-Employment Support Scheme and confirms furlough next steps
Working safely during COVID-19
Guidance for different business types on how to work safely during this time.
Home Secretary’s statement on coronavirus (COVID-19): 22 May 2020
The Home Secretary, Priti Patel, explains the measures to be taken at the border to avoid a second wave of coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission.
Staying Positive

With all the uncertainty at the moment, it may seem hard to plan for the future. We are still available for consultation by email or phone to help plan for any events you have in mind. We also offer no-obligation quotes and CAD rendering to show what an event may look like.